RCOG continues to recommend Folic Acid

Published on: 12/11/2015


The RCOG has updated its Scientific Impact Paper “Periconceptional Folic Acid and Food Fortification in the Prevention of Neural Tube Defects (2004)” after concerns had been expressed that Folic Acid fortification in food may have led to an increased risk of cancer.


The Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition (SACN) published a report in 2009 that found no good evidence of an increased risk of colon, prostate or colorectal cancers and coronary heart or vascular diseases associated with folic acid through fortification and these findings have been supported by a recent meta-analyses of randomised trials. In light of these findings the RCOG continues to recommend Folic Acid supplementation for women from preconception to 12 weeks and supports the SACN recommendations for extra safeguards around the issue of food fortified with Folic Acid.


For more information about supplements and diet in pregnancy see our “Be Healthy” page


RCOG policy briefing may be viewed here

To view the new addendum in full see here