Become A Regular Giver

For less than the price of a coffee a week, you can help more babies arrive safely by becoming a regular giver to MAMA Academy.

At MAMA Academy, we are doing everything we can to help babies arrive safely. We lobby for support, run campaigns, empower expectant parents, and advocate for midwives…but we can only do that because of the generosity of our supporters, like you. Having guaranteed income from our incredibly kind monthly givers means that we are able to plan for long term solutions and take on bigger projects to enable us to support even more parents and healthcare professionals.

‘MAMA Family’ is a new way for you to give to MAMA Academy regularly. By signing up to make a direct debit donation of an amount of your choice every month, you will be making a huge difference to hundreds of families across the country.

By joining MAMA Family, you will be helping more babies like Caiden enter the world safely. Caiden’s mum, Vikki started struggling with headaches and swelling around 30 weeks:

“I remembered seeing these signs to call the maternity unit immediately on my MAMA Academy wellbeing wallet so I did, and was diagnosed with severe preeclampsia…  I ended up having an emergency c-section and my baby arrived 8 weeks early. Originally I thought nothing of these signs and thought I’d be okay till my next appointment but the advice on the wallet really helped me and saved me from a possibly worse situation.”

Our Wellbeing Wallets, Pregnancy Passports and work on social media have already helped see the arrival of several babies that would have otherwise have died. You can help us make sure that even more babies arrive safely.

Over a year, your monthly donation could make the following difference:

It’s so easy to sign up and join the MAMA Family:

    1. Set up a monthly recurring payment by visiting here
    2. Select the ‘monthly’ tab to set your donation.
    3. That’s it! We will now send you a confirmation of your support, along with a little gift to say thank you for being part of the family.

Thank you so much, we can’t wait to have you as part of our family.

If you have any questions at all about joining MAMA Family, please don’t hesitate to contact us at