Petition to inform parents of the risk of cold sores

Published on: 22/05/2016

Two UK mums have joined forces to highlight the dangers of cold sores to newborns, by launching a new petition.


Lynette Clare learnt of the dangers first hand. Her baby girl Chloe was fighting for her life at just five days old, after being affected by herpes simplex encephalitis. This condition is an inflammation of the brain and is caused by the same virus that causes cold sores. It was passed to Chloe after a friend kissed her whilst visiting the hospital. Chloe has since made a full recovery, as she was treated in time.


Lynette has joined forces with Claire Henderson, who also experienced a similar experience, and a petition has been launched to urge the NHS to provide information to pregnant women.


Talking to the Sun, Lynette commented: “None of the midwives on the maternity ward had warned me about cold sores being a risk, I just had no idea they were dangerous in any way… I think there should be something given out in the packs which are given to new mums”


The NHS states that “herpes can be very serious for a young baby, whose immune system won’t have fully developed to fight off the virus.” The NHS website advises that those who have or are developing cold sores or herpes to avoid kissing babies, to wash their hands before contact with a baby, and for mothers with cold sores to wash hands before breastfeeding and to cover up any cold sores to avoid accidentally touching them causing a potential spread in infection.


The petition can be found here.

More information on herpes in newborns and advice on how to prevent it from the NHS can be found here.